Healing with Holly Pain Salve is made with Deep Blue, copaiba, petigrain, peppermint, lavender, frankincense, almond oil, beeswax, CBD isolate and grapeseed oil. It comes in 2 sizes. Small with 250mg of CBD and Large with 500mg of CBD.
NOTE: NONE of the CBD in this product contains any THC. This is a Broad Spectrum CBD Salve.
Topical CBD salve has proven successful in alleviating localized pain associated with arthritis, tension, and muscle soreness. It can also help relieve discomfort more rapidly than internal medication.
The CBD in this salve works by activating the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for the sensations of pleasure and pain. It does this by binding to cell receptors in muscle tissue, skin and nerves. This, in turn, can alleviate both pain and inflammation.